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Ansakket Festival

Ansakket Festival

Native cakes from glutinous rice (ansakket) are among the popular products from families all over the town – hence the clamour of having the Ansakket Festival which is now being celebrated every 27th to 31st days of October. But this year’s celebration held in the month of March.
The common objective of the festival is the farmers’ expression of gratitude to the Father Almighty Who blesses them of good harvests during the year.
Said celebration showcases among other events as a demonstration of the unique features of the town which Mother Nature brought, as well as the remarkable customs, traditions and practices of the townspeople. It is being observed with a colorful parade where contingents are in colorful costumes, the pageant night and its preliminary search for Limgas na Aguilar, and with a half day all you can eat ansakket for free during the opening of trade fair(Ansakket Booths).

Parade/Street Dancing

The people of Aguilar celebrate the Ansakket Festival with a colorful parade and street dancing where participants are in outlandish costumes, with a techy show, and with razzle-dazzle pageantry.
The parade marking the start of the Ansakket Festival was attended by LGU employees, barangay councils, schools, and representatives from other sectors.
Throughout the parade, various schools showcase their creativity through street dancing.

Opening of Trade Fair

The trade fair features the beautifully crafted booths of the 16 barangays of Aguilar.
Each booths have its various products displayed and exhibit different kinds of kakanin(rice cakes) as the main product of the town Aguilar as part of the Ansakket Festival.
In the opening of the trade fair, kakanin or rice cakes was given free to the public as one of the tradition of the town as an expression of gratitude for the bountiful harvest.

Street Dancing Competition and Drum and Lyre Exhibition

As part of this year’s celebration, street dancing competition has its full comeback after a strict quarantine measure during the pandemic.
Street Dancing Competition and drum and lyre exhibition is one of the highlights of this year’s celebration and once again alive during the parade.
Different schools showcased their creativeness with their choreography, costumes and visual presentation during the competition.

Ansakket Culinary Contest

Making kakanin(rice cakes) is one of the main product of the town Aguilar. Traditional cooking of kakanin is still living throughout the generation.
The Ansakket Culinary Contest is a competition to assess the skills and abilities in cooking delicious kakanin.

Limgas na Aguilar Coronation Night

The Limgas na Aguilar Coronation Night is the grand finale of the beauty pageant held during the Ansakket Festival. This prestigious event showcase the culmination of weeks of competition, where contestants compete in various rounds to embody grace, poise, and intelligence.
The coronation night is a dazzling affair filled with glamour and anticipation as the finalists take the stage, dressed in elegant attire, vying for the coveted title of Limgas na Aguilar.
With performances, speeches, and Q&A sessions, the event celebrates beauty, talent, and community pride, culminating in the crowning moment where on contestant is named the winner, becoming a symbol of grace and excellence for the town.